Grades 1-5

Redeemer Kids have so much fun learning the truths of God. Each meeting is filled with crafts, songs, and learning.
Redeemer Kids are using The Gospel Project Bible Sunday school curriculum. This curriculum is designed to walk through the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, and help kids understand the meta-narrative (or, big story) of the Bible. Each week, volunteers will teach a lesson rooted in Scripture from The Gospel Project, do an interactive activity that relates to the story, and can choose from employing coloring sheets, games or short movies to help illustrate the lesson.
Redeemer Kids class schedule: 1st Sunday of month in service (no class)
2nd-4th Sunday of month, dismissed after worship music for class
5th Sunday of month, no class
Check out the calendar to see when the next class is!
Katie Wilson, Children's Ministry