These beliefs reflect what we at Redeemer Church regard as the core foundations to biblical Christianity.
The Bible was written by men divinely inspired by God. It is authoritative on all subjects on which it touches. We as a church affirm the Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy.
The God of Scripture is the one, true and living God. God is three distinct persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), unique in role and person-hood, yet same in essence and substance.
Man was created by God in His image to enjoy Him forever. Yet through the sin of Adam, humanity lost their relationship to the Creator and are in need of a savior.
In short, sin is any word, thought or deed that is contrary to God's will, the consequence of which is eternal death.
God the Son, Jesus, came to earth, becoming truly God and truly man through the virgin birth. Jesus lived a perfectly holy life in complete obedience to God the Father and took our sins upon Himself at the cross, where He took our punishment and died. He then rose again three days later confirming what He accomplished on the cross. Salvation comes only by the grace of God and through placing your faith in the life, death on the cross and ressurection of Jesus and repenting (turning away) of your sins. Your sins will then be forgiven, be indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and granted eternal life as an adopted son or daughter of God.
The church is not a building. The church is both local and universal. A local church is made of a local body of believers who gather together for worship, preaching of the Word, and participating in Communion. The universal church is the shared fellowship that all Christians around the world share with one another.
Jesus is coming again to judge the living and the dead and to fully establish His kingdom on earth.
While the previous beliefs are the foundations to Christianity, these further reflect our theological distinctions.

We are currently working on our Statement of Faith. In the meantime, to learn more about our Beliefs and Teachings, read the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
Here at Redeemer, we know that culture either happens by default or by design. Rather than allowing our feelings, upbringing, or society’s standards to take the lead, our goal is to intentionally and consistently create the culture that exemplifies the Gospel. That is why who we are and what we do are defined by our Core Values:

If you have any questions feel free to email us!